• Georgia Visa: In accordance with the agreement made between the Republic of Turkey and Georgia, Republic of Turkey Ordinary, Special and Service Passport Holders are exempt from Visa for 90 Days for their travels to Georgia. They do not need to obtain a Georgia Visa.
• Citizens of the Republic of Turkey, holders of Ordinary (Maroon), Special (Green) and Service Passports, and those who will receive a Georgian Work Visa, Georgian Student visa and Georgian Family Reunification Visa must apply to the Georgian Consulate.

• As Mehran Translation Consultancy offices, we serve you with our work visa experts, both in the processes of making your work visa application and carrying out the process, as well as preparing your rejection petition for your rejected application and requesting re-examination. In order to avoid a negative response in these seemingly easy processes to avoid being rejected for a Turkey Work visa, you can reach us at Head Office: 0212 909 87 25 Office: 0850 762 93 44 Mobile Phone: 0544 105 93 44 Mobile Phone: 0537 991 93 44.

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