important announcement

What is the lawsuit for damage to commercial reputation and moral damages:
What are the legal responsibilities of our company if there are false statements, comments and trademark infringement and trademark imitation made by the person / companies with rival hostility about the Mehran group or brand? If the loss of the reputation and trust gained by the brand in the eyes of the customer, the infringement of the trademark right, may cause material and moral damage, it can be subject to material and moral compensation.
It is possible to apply for various legal remedies against the damage and reputation damage caused by this injustice and violation. These and similar actions will be followed by our company's lawyers in order to protect our brand.
According to legal research, although the definition of Corporate, commercial reputation is not clearly regulated in our laws, regulations for the protection of commercial reputation are included in our laws.
It is seen that corporate and commercial reputation is an important factor in business life. It is necessary for legal entities to maintain their competence in business life and business environments for commercial reputation. In some cases, commercial reputation may be damaged. Therefore, the legislator needed to make certain regulations in order to prevent damage to commercial reputation. The Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, and the Industrial Property Law No. 6769 contain legal provisions regarding lawsuits that can be filed in case of damage to commercial reputation.
In the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102, there are regulations in articles 127, 307, 342, 581 that commercial reputation can be put as shares in trading companies.
Loss of commercial reputation may occur as a result of tortious acts, unfair competition actions. Legal entities may demand compensation for their damages by filing lawsuits for material and/or non-pecuniary damages against those who committed this tortious act. The subject has also been included in the decisions of the Supreme Court.