Voluntary Return of Foreigners from Turkey

Voluntary Return of Foreigners from Turkey

Voluntary repatriation is, in short, the return of a foreigner under international protection or temporary protection to his home country, knowing that his international protection will end, and as a result, he loses his international protection status in the host country. For the return in question to be voluntary, the person must have made a decision based on knowledge and free will.
Basic Principles in Voluntary Returns
Returns are carried out in line with the principles of voluntary, safe and dignified return, in accordance with international law.
In our country, no foreign source under temporary or international protection is forcibly sent to their country; He is not subjected to any pressure to return to his country.
In addition, importance is given to ensuring that those who return have a standard of living worthy of human dignity.
In order to ensure the continuity and sustainability of returns, careful attention is paid to the reintegration of returnees.
A "Voluntary Return Request Form" is issued by the provincial governorship of residence for foreigners under temporary protection who request voluntary repatriation. Voluntary repatriation procedures of Syrians in our country under temporary protection are carried out under the supervision of international organizations and non-governmental organizations. This is how independent oversight of voluntary return processes is ensured. In case of voluntary return of Syrian foreigners, the "Voluntary Return Request Form" prepared for the foreigner is first signed by the representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or, if the UNHCR representative cannot be found, by the Red Crescent official. In the absence of UNHCR and Red Crescent officials, it is signed by the Representative of the Non-Governmental Organization approved by the governorships or the officer of the Governorship Human Rights and Equality Board.
Foreigners who apply to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Management for voluntary repatriation are informed that "if they come to our country again, their temporary protection requests may be evaluated negatively as a result of the evaluation to be made about them." Foreigners who are determined about voluntary repatriation are issued a Road Permit Certificate so that they can go to the border province where they will exit our country after their procedures. .
Following the necessary investigations on foreigners who are directed to border gates or border crossing points by issuing the necessary documents by their province of residence, these foreigners are allowed to leave our country and their Temporary Protection Identity Documents are received and destroyed. For foreigners who leave our country within the scope of voluntary return, the relevant restriction code is entered at the land border gate where they exit, and their temporary protection is terminated from the GöçNet system at the relevant land border gate due to "Voluntary Return".
Frequently asked Questions
What is Voluntary Return (VOD)?
Voluntary repatriation is the voluntary return of a foreigner under international protection or temporary protection to his/her own country with his/her own free will and informed decision. This return must occur safely and with dignity. It is not possible to talk about voluntary repatriation without all these elements of the return in question coming together.
In this context, Turkey bases the return of foreigners to their country on the principle of "safe, voluntary and dignified return".
Why Voluntary Return?
Voluntary return may be preferred for many different reasons and motivations. Some of these reasons are longing for the homeland, development of economic opportunities in their own country, social and cultural reasons, difficulties in integrating into the country they live in. It is a process that immigrants may choose for personal, social, cultural and economic reasons.
How to make a Voluntary Return?
Voluntary repatriation procedures are carried out by the Directorate of Immigration Management. Foreigners who want to return to their country of their own free will can initiate voluntary return procedures by applying to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Management in their province of residence. Necessary information about the procedures is given to applicants at the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management.
This information has been placed on the website of the Directorate of Migration Management for informational purposes.