real estate

real estate
There are many opportunities that can be evaluated domestically regarding real estate in Turkey. Through Mehran Group, real estate buying and selling services are provided throughout Turkey, especially in the Black Sea region of Turkey.
  It is the set of services received to make the best use of these emerging opportunities and make a profit.
Our company provides these types of services to ensure that these processes are successful when it comes to purchasing, renting or selling in the real estate market. In this way, the most accurate decision regarding the real estate in question is made and all your needs are fully met.

As real estate business progresses in detail and with many options in our country, it is always a pleasure to receive service from our expert consultants who can direct the right real estate option to the investor's needs with our company's experts, who have a command of the market in order to prevent these situations, and provide correct guidance about legislation and administrative procedures. produces results.
Our valuation expert consultants, who try to help foreign customers coming to Turkey, research everything you want to know about within the scope of this process. Even if you are not very familiar with the subject, it collects all detailed data and shares the necessary analyzes and results with you in the form of a report to inform you.

Since every investment to be made in Turkey requires attention and dedication, it is possible for our expert staff in this field to share with you what kind of benefits your investment ideas will bring or the possibility of encountering a situation called "dead investment". For this reason, investors are able to weigh and weigh the contributions of investment processes interpreted within the framework of all relevant legislation and to reach the decision stage more quickly.

Our company's experts first analyze the basic situation of that province in their research on the provinces in which their customers are considering investing. Detailed research is conducted on the sector in which the investment is planned to be made, and it is investigated how past investments in this area have benefited investors. Then, by doing research on real estate, we examine whether it meets the needs in the region, whether it complies with the demands of the target audience, and many other topics that can be exemplified.

For our company's foreign customers, factors such as how the legal process should proceed are shared with the investor party. In addition, information about what those who want to obtain citizenship in Turkey, who want to obtain a residence permit or who want to continue their investments by opening a company should do to access these services regarding the investment is also shared with the real estate investor customer.