Acquiring Turkish Citizenship

Acquiring Turkish Citizenship
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship by Birth
Turkish citizenship acquired by birth is acquired automatically on the basis of lineage or place of birth. Citizenship acquired by birth is valid from the moment of birth.

Citizenship Acquired on the Basis of Ancestry:
Citizenship acquired by lineage means that the child acquires the citizenship of the Turkish citizen mother or father to whom he/she is related by lineage at the time of birth.

In acquiring Turkish citizenship through lineage; It is sufficient for only one of the parents to be a Turkish citizen at the time of birth, and the fact that the other is a citizen of a foreign state does not constitute an obstacle to acquiring Turkish citizenship.

Notifications Made Abroad Regarding Birth After Turning Eighteen Years of Age:
Registration in the family registry of people who live abroad and have not been notified of their birth even though they have completed the age of eighteen is possible if it is determined as a result of the examination to be carried out by the Ministry that they have acquired Turkish citizenship due to their Turkish citizen mother or father.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship by Birth
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship Based on Place of Birth
A child born in Turkey who cannot acquire the citizenship of any state due to reasons such as his/her parents being unknown, being stateless, or not being able to acquire citizenship in accordance with national laws, acquires Turkish citizenship from birth.

A child who has been in Turkey is deemed to have been born in Turkey, unless it is proven that he was born outside Turkey. Found children who cannot express themselves due to their young age are registered in the population registers of the place where they are found, based on the minutes of law enforcement officers or relevant institutions stating this situation or the declaration of the relevant persons.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship Later
Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship According to General Provisions

Foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship in accordance with Article 11 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901;

To be an adult and have the power of discernment according to one's own national law, or if stateless, according to the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721.
Having resided in Turkey for five uninterrupted years from the date of application.
He stated that he decided to settle in Turkey; Acquiring immovable property in Turkey, starting a business, investing, transferring a trade and business center to Turkey, working in a workplace subject to a work permit and having confirmed it through similar behaviors, or marrying a Turkish citizen, applying as a family, having previously acquired Turkish citizenship. Having a mother, father, sibling or child who is a graduate or completing their education in Turkey.
Not having a disease that poses a danger to general health.
To show that one has good morals by acting with the sense of responsibility required to live together in society, to inspire trust in those around one with one's behavior, and not to have bad habits that are not tolerated by society and contrary to social values.
To be able to speak Turkish at a level that allows you to adapt to social life.
To have an income or a profession that will provide a living for oneself and one's dependents in Turkey.
Not to be in any way that would pose an obstacle to national security or public order.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship through Adoption
A minor foreign person adopted by a Turkish citizen; He/she can acquire Turkish citizenship, provided that there is no obstacle to national security and public order.
TRNC Citizens Acquiring Turkish Citizenship
Persons who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by birth and want to acquire Turkish citizenship, if they declare in writing that they want to become Turkish citizens, acquire Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Ministry.

He is a citizen of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and the acquisition of Turkish citizenship does not affect his spouse; the provisions of Article 20 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 apply to his children.

The provisions of Article 11 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 apply to foreigners who have subsequently acquired citizenship of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship with the Right to Choose
People who have lost Turkish citizenship due to their parents, who have lost Turkish citizenship by obtaining an exit permit, and who have made a written notification to acquire Turkish citizenship within three years from their adulthood, can acquire Turkish citizenship by exercising their right to choose.

Loss of the right to vote and Turkish citizenship takes effect from the date of the Ministry's decision regarding the determination of the existence of conditions for the exercise of this right.
Exceptionally Acquiring Turkish Citizenship
In the cases listed in Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, foreigners may acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers, regardless of other conditions generally required for acquiring Turkish citizenship, provided that there is no obstacle in terms of national security and public order.

In accordance with Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:

The following foreigners may acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers, provided that there is no obstacle in terms of national security and public order.
Persons who bring industrial facilities to Turkey or who have achieved or are expected to provide extraordinary service in the scientific, technological, economic, social, sports, cultural and artistic fields and for whom a reasoned offer has been made by the relevant ministries.
Foreigners who have a residence permit in accordance with subparagraph (j) of the first paragraph of Article 31 of the Foreigners and International Protection Law No. 6458 dated 4/4/2013 and Turquoise Card holders and their foreign spouses, and their and their spouse's minor or dependent foreign children.
Persons whose naturalization is deemed necessary.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship as an Immigrant
The citizenship file of people who are accepted as immigrants after completing their procedures according to the Settlement Law No. 5543 is prepared by the provincial immigration administration directorate and sent to the Ministry. The file of the foreigner sent to the Ministry to acquire Turkish citizenship is examined and a proposal is made to the Council of Ministers for the person to acquire Turkish citizenship. Turkish citizenship can be acquired by the decision of the Council of Ministers.

In accordance with Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:

The following foreigners may acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers, provided that there is no obstacle in terms of national security and public order. ( (d) Persons accepted as immigrants. )
Re-acquisition of Turkish Citizenship Without Residence Requirement
Provided that there is no situation that would pose an obstacle to national security,

Those who lost their Turkish citizenship by obtaining a leave permit,
Children who have lost Turkish citizenship due to their parents and who have not exercised their right to vote within three years of reaching adulthood,
Lost Turkish citizenship in accordance with paragraphs (a), (ç), (d) and (e) of Article 25 of the repealed Turkish Citizenship Law No. 403,
People can regain Turkish citizenship, regardless of the duration of residence in Turkey.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:

Provided that there is no obstacle to national security, the following persons can regain Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Ministry, regardless of the duration of residence in Turkey.
Those who lost their Turkish citizenship by obtaining an exit permit.
Those who have lost Turkish citizenship due to their parents and who have not exercised their right to vote within the period stipulated in Article 21.
In accordance with Article 43 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:

Pursuant to paragraphs (a), (d), (d) and e of Article 25 of the repealed Turkish Citizenship Law No. 403, persons who have lost their Turkish citizenship can apply, without the requirement of residing in Turkey, provided that there is no obstacle in terms of national security. They can be re-acquired Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Council of Ministers.
Reacquisition of Turkish Citizenship Subject to Residence Condition
According to Law No. 5901, those who lost their Turkish citizenship or those who lost their Turkish citizenship by exercising their right to vote can regain their Turkish citizenship, provided that they do not have a situation that would pose an obstacle in terms of national security and they reside in Turkey for three years.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:

Those who have lost their Turkish citizenship in accordance with Article 29 can regain their Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Council of Ministers, and those who have lost their Turkish citizenship in accordance with Article 34 can regain their Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Ministry, provided that there is no obstacle to national security and they reside in Turkey for three years.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship through Marriage
Marriage to a Turkish citizen does not directly confer Turkish citizenship. Foreigners who have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years and whose marriage continues can apply to acquire Turkish citizenship.

If the marriage ends due to the death of the Turkish citizen spouse after the application date, there is no requirement to live in family unity.

Foreigners who acquire Turkish citizenship through marriage retain their Turkish citizenship if the marriage is declared null and void, if they are in good faith.
If the marriage of a foreigner who has acquired Turkish citizenship through marriage is decided to be annulled, the Ministry is asked through the Governorship whether he will retain his Turkish citizenship.
In accordance with Article 16 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901:
Marriage to a Turkish citizen does not directly grant Turkish citizenship. However, foreigners who have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years and whose marriage continues can apply to acquire Turkish citizenship. In applicants;
Living in family unity,

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