Brand registration in Türkiye

Brand registration services, which are performed by experienced and educated specialists of Mehran Group, provide extensive services in this field.
Brand is a Norwegian word meaning to heat. The old cowboys used hot iron to mark their cows and to prevent them from being stolen. The word brand also originated from here and later entered the industry and is used now.
An American association provided a definition of brand, which according to this definition, brand means a mark and sign that is used to distinguish a product or service. To prevent people and companies from abusing your products and services, you can register your brand. So that all those products and services are known by your name and brand.
Brand registration is also possible in Türkiye. which has an international reputation and there is no need to register the company in Türkiye.
Types of brand registration in Türkiye
Brand registration in Turkey can be done in two ways: registering a legal entity brand in Turkey or registering a natural person brand in Turkey. According to the brand registration rules in the brand registration rules in Turkey, this type of registration does not require annual tax payment and is valid for ten years.
A legal entity is actually a company in Türkiye. And it is done with documents of partners.
A person can also register a brand without registering a company. Foreign nationals only need a passport to register a brand in Türkiye.
Brand registration procedures in Türkiye
Submit the necessary documents for initial registration. And after about 5 months, the confirmation or rejection of the request will be emailed to you. After 7 months from the initial approval, the certificate is issued. For this reason, it is said that brand registration in Türkiye takes time. After registering the brand, you can see it on the website of the Turkish Trademark Registration Organization.
If your application is rejected, you can protest that you are required to pay a fee and if your application is rejected, the money will not be returned.
Register Madrid
According to the Paris Convention, international brand registration means brand registration in the convention countries. In the past, if someone needed to register a brand in several countries, he had to register the brand in all countries separately. which needed to pay a lot of money. He translated the documents for each country separately, which was time-consuming.
A treaty called the Treaty of Paris was formed, which later became known as the Madrid Register. According to this treaty, by registering a brand in Madrid, you register the brand once, but it is acceptable and registered in all member countries.
In Turkey, you can apply for Madrid registration. To register Madrid in Turkey, you must first apply for registration through the trademark organization of the country of origin. and applied for the desired countries.
The Madrid registration fee is that a fixed fee is paid first and a variable fee is added for each country in which you intend to register the brand.

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