Company registration in free zones of Türkiye

Foreigners can also establish companies in free zones. The subject of the company must be one of the following:
  Buy or sell
Assembly and disassembly of parts
Repair or maintenance
Banking and insurance registration
Registering a company in Turkey's free zone requires going through administrative procedures and capital of 2 million liras and above and presenting a business plan or business plan of the company and its approval.
Also, the higher cost of registration compared to other regions is another difference between company registration in free zones.
But registering a company in Turkey's free zones also has advantages, the most important of which are:
1- Tax exemption
The Turkish government has exempted companies registered in free zones from paying taxes. In addition, if you are not a manufacturing company and only import and export, you will be exempt from paying VAT and customs duties.
But note that the approval of the business plan by the management of free zones is mandatory.
2- Cash and capital transfer
Another advantage of registering a company in free zones is the easy and hassle-free transfer of cash and income to any country other than Turkey. This work does not require permission.
3- Infrastructures
One of the advantages of registering a company in Turkey's free zones is the existing infrastructure, which has made it very easy for manufacturers and traders. In addition, by being located in large ports, sea transportation is also possible.
4- The possibility of long-term presence
One of the biggest advantages of registering a company in free zones is the possibility of long-term presence in Turkey. Ready units are leased for 10 years for commercial activity, and 20 years for manufacturing activity.

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