International marriage and divorce in Türkiye

Registering the international marriage of foreigners in Turkey is important because it can be a suitable platform for obtaining a visa to join the spouse and immigrate to Europe and America. Couples who, for any reason, one or both of them cannot come to register their marriage in neighboring countries, or the country they intend to immigrate to, does not accept their marriage certificate, choose Turkey as the first destination for international marriage registration. they choose The Mehran Group company is in the category of legal institutions and various unions with the privilege of official translation and valid seal and signature. This institution provides services to foreigners not only in registering marriages in Turkey, but also in providing unique solutions for legal problems and preparing required documents.
International marriage in Türkiye
If marriage registration is done regardless of the nationality of the couple in Turkey in the municipalities and according to the laws of this country, the documents issued are in several languages and are recognized in many countries, especially the western countries, and the marriage is so-called internationally registered. Is. After this, if one of the spouses is a citizen of a foreign country, they can register their marriage according to the laws of the respective country.
International marriage conditions in Türkiye
Doing legal work in any country should be done according to the law of that country and follow its legal steps. Marriage in Türkiye is the same. Marriage takes place in Turkish municipal offices. For an international marriage in Türkiye, the required documents must be prepared first. Preparing documents for people with different conditions is different and not every document is accepted by Turkish municipalities.
Important points of international marriage documents in Türkiye
As mentioned, documents must be prepared to register a marriage in Turkey, but not every document is accepted by the Turkish municipality. People with different nationalities and citizenships and different conditions must prepare different documents.
To prepare the documents, you should first note that international marriage in Turkey is performed with a citizen's passport and you cannot get married in Turkey with a travel document (travel passport).
The time required to register a marriage in Türkiye
International marriage in Turkey must be performed according to the laws of Turkey and the relevant legal process must be followed. Therefore, it is very important that before traveling to Turkey and deciding to register a marriage in Turkey, first consult with Mehran Group's consultants and experts in this field, and after guidance and determining the required documents for marriage in Turkey, travel according to the previous schedule.
If you act according to the plan and regularly, you can register your marriage as soon as possible and without wasting time. Many couples travel to Turkey without coordination and intend to register their marriage by themselves. These people often either have to pay additional fees and stay for a long time (up to a month) in Turkey, or they have to return to their countries and after preparing the documents required for international marriage in Turkey, travel to Istanbul again and register their marriage. do
Divorce in Türkiye
According to Turkish laws, all couples, regardless of which country their marriage was registered in or which country they have citizenship of, can divorce each other in Turkey, and the right to divorce and custody of a child under 18 years of age can be determined by a court and a judge. be And this law also applies to asylum seekers, immigrants and stateless persons. Based on this, you should file a divorce petition in the family court and, if any, ask for the resolution of the issues related to the custody of your children.
Refugees can also apply for legal aid from the legal aid offices of the Turkish Bar Association, and if it is determined that the person cannot afford legal and lawyer fees, a lawyer will be appointed by the court for free for the divorce process and custody of the children.
Who is illegal and forbidden to marry in Türkiye?
It can be seen in some sources that as a result of translation or wrong arrangement of the contents, the given information is wrong or the concept inferred from it is not correct. Considering that Turkey is a Muslim country, its laws are not derived from Islamic Sharia and are in accordance with European and American laws. Some issues related to marriage are in accordance with Iranian laws, one of which is the legality or illegality of marrying relatives. According to Article 129 of the Turkish Civil Code, these prohibitions are defined based on the two principles of ethics and medicine. Accordingly, marriage with first-degree relatives is prohibited both morally and medically, including the negative effects it can have on the genetics of children resulting from marriage.

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