Consecutive translation is a piecemeal translation by dividing the sentences of a speaker speaking in a foreign language by intervening in his speech. In general, the speaker waits after 4-5 sentences and translation service is performed by expert translators. Interpreters who are experts in consecutive (Oral) translation are in the same field as the speakers. Consecutive (Oral) translation takes place when the translator listens to the speaker's words and transfers them to the other party. Please contact us to benefit from the details of our consecutive (verbal) translation services in any language you want.
Mehran translation company with 10 years of experience
Consecutive (Oral) Translation in areas of need
Consecutive (Oral) translation generally serves in international meetings. Our translators who will do the translation have a good command of the language to be translated and serve on behalf of our company.


It is of great importance for the interpreters who will make consecutive (Oral) translations within the Mehran group to know the language well and at the same time listen to the speakers without any problems and pronounce the language they are translating correctly for the other party to understand the subject correctly. Our speakers, who will be provided with translation services, and our expert translators make the translation service provided by our company professional and hassle-free.

Consecutive (Oral) Translation Prices
With our professional translators, we provide consecutive (oral) translation services in every language all over Turkey. You can get quality service, accurate results and reasonable prices by contacting us at our mehran group contact addresses.

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