Regaining Turkish Citizenship

Regaining Turkish Citizenship

Reinstatement Without Residence Requirement
Let's examine the application without the residence period requirement, which is the first option in the process of regaining Turkish citizenship. Article 13 of the law, that is, acquisition of Turkish citizenship later, is possible by the decision of the competent authority or by adoption or by exercising the right to choose. Again, the persons specified in Article 43 of the law, that is, those who can apply for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship based on the decisions of the competent authority, are:
• Those who lost Turkish citizenship by obtaining an exit permit.
• Those who lost their Turkish citizenship against their will due to their parents and who did not exercise their right to vote within three years after they turned 18 years old (became an adult).
Important Note: In accordance with the provision in Article 27 of Law No. 5901, if the mother or father who has lost Turkish citizenship requests and the other spouse consents, their children will lose their Turkish citizenship along with them. If consent is not given, action is taken according to the judge's decision. Children of parents who lose their Turkish citizenship together by obtaining an exit permit also lose their Turkish citizenship. If the loss of citizenship would render children stateless, the provisions of this article do not apply.
These people can regain Turkish citizenship without the requirement of residing in Turkey, provided that they do not have a situation that may pose an obstacle to national security. The application for re-acquisition to citizenship of the Republic of Turkey is made to the highest civil administrator of the place where the applicant resides. In foreign countries, it is made to the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Turkey (Turkish consulate, Turkish embassy).
They can regain Turkish citizenship by Ministry decision, without requiring residence in Turkey.
Reinstatement Subject to Residence Condition
Let's talk about the second option of regaining Turkish citizenship, which is the application subject to the condition of three-year residence in Turkey. Persons specified in Article 14 of the Law can regain Turkish citizenship, provided that they do not have a situation that would pose an obstacle to national security and also reside in Turkey for three years.


• General acquisition of Turkish citizenship
• Exceptional acquisition of Turkish citizenship
• Regaining Turkish citizenship
• Acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage
A file consisting of the following documents is prepared by the application authorities on behalf of the person who wants to regain Turkish citizenship and this file is sent to the ministry. You can access the documents required in this file by contacting Mehran Translation Consultancy.

Those Who Are Unregistered
If people who have lost their Turkish citizenship for any reason and have been unregistered in the written form regain their Turkish citizenship; These people are registered in the administrative unit where they were registered on the date they lost their Turkish citizenship, in the household where their mother, father and siblings are registered, if any, or in the next household from the last digit of that administrative unit. After this, population events are recorded in their records.

A child born before the permission of a mother or father who has permission to renounce Turkish citizenship and who has not been registered in the family registry, is registered in the household where the mother or father has a closed record. After the registration process, the Ministry is informed to take action regarding the leave permit for the child. The registration is made closed by the Ministry by issuing permission for the mother and father to leave.

Mehran Translation and Consultancy We provide preparation, application and follow-up services with our expert consultant staff on the re-acquisition of Turkish citizenship. To get detailed information and start your Turkish citizenship application, you can contact us through all our contact information or Head Office: +900212 909 87 25 Office: +900850 762 93 44 Mobile Phone: +900544 105 93 44 Mobile Phone: +900537 991 93 44.

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