SAT Exam

SAT Exam
Who Should Take the SAT Exam?
What is the SAT exam taken by students who want to study at a university abroad and foreign students who want to study at a university in Turkey, and what are the entrance conditions for this exam?
What is SAT Exam?
SAT is an internationally recognized university entrance exam. This exam, which stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test (Educational Aptitude Test), is an important step for students who want to continue their education at elite universities in the USA and European countries. This exam is a good opportunity for a university that allows you to realize your talents and pursue your dreams.
Who Can Take the SAT Exam?
Mostly high school seniors or high school graduates apply for the SAT exam. In order to be successful in the exam, your English level must be at least Upper Intermediate level. In fact, this exam, which requires unusual English skills, is not well known in our country.
Coming to the content of the exam, we must say that long paragraphs are the first thing that stands out. There is an exam consisting of four elegant bars where mistakes do not cancel out the right ones. SAT exams, which include grammar, essay writing and multiple choice test questions, are basically divided into two. You can see detailed information about SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject, which are considered two separate exams, below.
SAT Exam
SAT Reasoning Test
Reasoning Test;
Reading and understanding
Analytical writing – grammar
It includes mathematics and geometry subjects. 3 hours and 45 minutes are given for this episode.
Universities abroad consider all three departments in applications. However, for foreign students who want to study in Turkey, the writing section is not taken into consideration.
SAT Subject Test
This exam, which takes 1 hour for each, is divided into 5 areas:
Language issues
Subject Tests, the second session of the exam, are actually based on measuring students' knowledge on the subjects they are interested in.
Although there are exam centers in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Mersin and Erzurum, you can also apply for the exam online and carry out your translation, consultancy and exam registration procedures with the help of Mehran Group consultants.

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