Türkiye Caregiver and Servant Work Permit

Türkiye Caregiver and Servant Work Permit
People who want to come to Turkey and work as a home caregiver or servant must first obtain a work permit. With this work permit, they can legally work and earn income in Turkey. It is a professional group that foreign nationals prefer to work in our country, and this field of work is highly supported in terms of employment.
If a person wants to get a work permit to provide caregiver services, then the application must be made through a child under the age of 15. If the work permit is based on elderly care, then there must be elderly care for people over the age of 65. If a work permit is to be obtained from a person who is outside these age ranges and is in need of care, then the illness must be stated in reports. If the person is going to apply for a work permit because he is disabled, then the disability rate must be 50% and this must be documented with a committee report from the hospital.
Turkey caregiver and servant work permit applications are generally considered appropriate for female employees, but are not approved for male employees unless there is a very extreme situation. Applications can be made both domestically and internationally. People who want to apply domestically are required to have a valid residence permit. For people who do not have a residence permit, an application will be made abroad or the process will be initiated to obtain a valid residence permit. Applications are carried out via the employer's electronic signature. An employer registration for home services will be created through the system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and then the application will be made with an electronic signature.

Türkiye caregiver and servant work permit applications
For domestic applications, the entire process is carried out through the online system and the documents are scanned and uploaded to the system. In case of any missing documents, you will be notified via the contact address you specified in this application and you will be asked to obtain it within the specified day and upload it to the system.
Not making the person's insurance entry before the applications are finalized; After the Türkiye caregiver and servant work permit is approved, you must log in and start working. For overseas work permit applications, the application is made personally at our foreign representative offices (embassy, consulate). From here, a registration is created in the system and then the transaction is carried out through the foreign representative office. Once the first approval is received, the person will submit his passport to the foreign representative and then a work visa will be printed on his passport. He will officially enter Turkey with this printed visa he receives; Within the following 30 days, an application record will be created for the Social Security Institution.
By creating government incentive support for people who will work in domestic services, it provides a discount on the insurance to be paid if this is the first work permit application of both the employer and the employee. It is the employer's responsibility to make the employee's insurance payments and they must be paid regularly every month. People who have a work permit have the right to reside in Turkey for the same period. Likewise, residence permits expire when the work permit expires.
Turkey has a very encouraging and supportive attitude towards foreigners in employing caregivers and servants. As Mehran Translation Consultancy, we offer professional consultancy services on employing foreign servants or caregivers. We can process your employee applications either domestically or internationally.

To get more detailed information about Turkey caregiver and servant work permit and to meet with our labor experts, you can contact our immigration consultants at Head Office: +900212 909 87 25 Office: +900850 762 93 44 Mobile Phone: +900544 105 93 44 Mobile Phone: +900537 991 93 44 .

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