Turquoise card for foreign investors in Türkiye

Turquoise Card is a document that gives foreigners the right to work and reside in Turkey indefinitely, and only grants residence rights to their relatives. The foreigner's spouse and dependent children are considered as relatives of the Turquoise Card holder. Therefore, the foreigner's spouse and minor children will also have an indefinite residence permit. Regulations regarding the Turquoise Card are available in the Turquoise Card Regulation No. 30007 and the International Labor Law No. 6735. Turquoise Card system was created in order to attract qualified investors and qualified workforce to Turkey.
Rights and Obligations of the Turkuaz Card Holder and Their Relatives
Turkuaz Card provides certain rights to its owner and their relatives. In addition to rights, Turquoise Card holders must fulfill certain obligations. The most basic right that a Turquoise card holder can benefit from is to obtain an indefinite work permit. Along with the work permit, he/she will also be entitled to a residence permit. Relatives of the Turquoise Card holder are only entitled to an indefinite residence permit.

Provided that there is no situation that would pose an obstacle to the relevant foreign public order and national security, it is possible for Turquoise Card holders to acquire Turkish citizenship exceptionally if other conditions are met. To summarize in general terms, Turquoise Card holders are subject to the same legislation and provisions as Turkish citizens. However, foreigners are still deprived of several rights. Turquoise Card holders cannot work as public servants. Foreigners who are not obliged to do military service cannot perform some professions regulated by special laws. The right to vote and be elected is also excluded from the scope.
To whom is the Turquoise Card given?
Foreigners who can be issued a Turquoise Card are regulated in Article 5 of the Turquoise Card Regulation. In accordance with the article in question, turquoise card;
Considered as highly qualified workforce in terms of their education level, wage, professional knowledge and experience, contribution to science and technology and similar qualities.
It is considered as a highly qualified investor in terms of its investment or export level, the size of the employment it will provide, its contribution to scientific and technological development and similar characteristics.
Scientist or researcher who contributes to scientific and technological development or conducts studies and research that are considered strategic for the country's interests at the international level in the fields of science, industry and technology.
Successful at international level in terms of cultural, artistic or sports activities
It can be awarded to foreigners who contribute to the international recognition or promotion of Turkey or Turkish culture and who operate at the international level in matters related to Turkey's national interests.
Turquoise Card Conditions
If one of the situations listed above is present, foreigners may qualify for the Turquoise Card. However, only the presence of this condition is not sufficient; other important points are also taken into consideration. Turquoise Card applications for foreigners who are deemed unsafe to work in Turkey in terms of Turkish public order, public security or public health are rejected. Foreigners who do not submit the required documents may not be entitled to the Turquoise Card. Therefore, it would be a healthier way to carry out this process with a lawyer.
Documents Required for Turquoise Card
To apply for Turquoise Card, it is necessary to submit the following documents:
application petition
Copy of the foreigner's passport or passport substitute document
Certificate of conformity obtained from the relevant public institution and organization, if any
For foreigners who meet the above-mentioned qualifications, the following documents are also required:
For foreigners who are considered as qualified workforce, diploma, employment contract, CV, appointment or assignment letter, professional experience, internationally accepted documents showing foreign languages known other than the mother tongue.
Documents showing the investment size, employment level, export amount, financial sufficiency, region of activity, sector and business for the foreigner who is considered as a qualified investor.
For scientists or researchers, diploma, document showing academic career and title, academic studies or license, trademark or patent documents
Documents showing success for foreigners who have been successful at national or international level in terms of cultural, artistic or sports activities
For foreigners who contribute to the recognition or promotion of Turkey or Turkish culture: Documents regarding activities carried out at the international level as Turkuaz volunteers, documents regarding promotional activities containing information such as intellectual and artistic works, duration, sustainability, continuity and area of influence.

Acceptance of Turquoise Card Application
Turquoise Card is issued with a transition period of the first three years. During this transition period, the activities of the relevant foreigner are monitored by an appointed expert and it is examined whether the foreigner fulfills his commitments. If it is determined that there are deficiencies, the foreigner must correct these deficiencies within 3 months. Otherwise, your card will become invalid. Once the 3-year transition period expires, the Turquoise Card becomes indefinite upon foreign request. The important thing to note here is that the request to remove the transition period registration must be made before the transition period expires in any case, starting from 180 days until the transition period expires.
Rejection of Turquoise Card Application
Applications may be rejected as a result of the evaluation. Reasons for rejection are listed below:
Not meeting the evaluation criteria determined by the Ministry
Not in compliance with international labor policy
Made with false or misleading information and documents
The reason for employing a foreigner is not considered sufficient
Regulations for jobs and professions reserved for Turkish citizens in other laws
Regarding foreigners who are notified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as foreigners who will not be allowed to enter Turkey, will not be given a visa, or will be deported within the scope of the relevant articles of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection.
Concerning foreigners who are deemed unsafe to work in Turkey due to public order, public security or public health
Except for the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the procedures for citizens of countries that the Republic of Turkey does not recognize or with which it does not have diplomatic relations.
Not done within the legal period or deficiencies not completed
Cancellation of Turquoise Card
Turquoise Card is canceled in the presence of one of the following situations:

Starting from the validity date of the Turkuaz Card; not coming to Turkey within six months or staying abroad continuously for more than two years without force majeure
Not to extend the validity period of the passport or passport substitute document, except with the approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is determined that the person is working in violation of the provisions of the law or unregistered.
It is determined that the foreigner has not worked uninterruptedly for at least one year.
It is later determined that the Turquoise Card application was made with false or misleading information and documents.
Failure to submit the requested information and documents within the transition period or, according to the monitoring report, it is understood that the foreigner has lost his qualification as a Turquoise Card holder.
Notification by the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the person is a foreigner who will not be allowed to enter Turkey, will not be given a visa, or will be deported.
Notification by relevant public institutions and organizations that there is a risk of working in Turkey in terms of public order, public security or public health.
Things to pay attention?
Application conditions and required documents for the Turquoise Card are explained above. Due to its nature, Turquoise Card application is made by expert consultants and qualified translators in our Mehran group company.

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